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Fatigue Risk Management Training

Started on October 23, 2024

Fatigue Risk Management Training


This course is offered for anyone working in aviation who has a responsibility for managing fatigue risk. The course will introduce participants to the science of fatigue and alertness management, before describing the requirements of Part-ORO with respect to FRM.

It will introduce ways that operators can use in order manage fatigue, either by managing his problem under the operator’s Safety Management System, or by establishing a system for Fatigue Risk Management (FRM).

The course will introduce FRM predictive, reactive and proactive processes that an operator can establish to collect and track fatigue data. Roster fatigue metrics and fatigue safety performance indicators will be introduced and described. On completion of the course trainees will have a sound understanding of the FRM requirements as documented in Part-ORO and the components of fatigue risk management and the processes (predictive, proactive, reactive) used to identify, measure, mitigate and manage fatigue risk within their operation.


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