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Flight Dispatcher Course

It is designed to provide the necessary knowledge and skills for persons who wish to be employed as Flight Operations Officers/Dispatchers.

Security Courses

As per Commission Regulation EU 300/2008. Courses have a duration of 10 Hours Training.

Dangerous Goods Training

As per the ICAO Annex 18 and the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, Dangerous Goods Regulations are applicable for the transport of dangerous goods by air from, to through the Member States of ICAO.

Senior Cabin Crew Member Training

The Senior Cabin Crew Member Training Course Covers the Elements as per the AMC1 ORO.CC.200(c) and Operators OMD.

Flight Crew Operator Conversion Training and Checking

The operator conversion training should include elements as per AMC1 ORO.FC.220 and Operator’s OMD.

Flight Crew Recurrent Training and Checking

The Flight Crew Recurrent Traininig and Checking Covers the Elements as per the AMC1 ORO.CC.230 and Operator's OMD.

ESET Train the Trainer Course

Personnel selected to attend the ESET Train the Trainer Course must have previous experience as Cabin Crew members or Pilots and have a thorough knowledge of the relevant legislation.

Train the Trainer – Basic Training Skills

The CRMI – Crew Resource Management Instructor course aims to teach you how to implement CRM training courses in aviation companies under EASA Part OPS.

Crew Resource Management Instructor CRMI

The CRMI – Crew Resource Management Instructor course aims to teach you how to implement CRM training courses in aviation companies under EASA Part OPS.

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