Multi-Crew Cooperation Instructor (MCCI) Course
The aim of the course is to give adequate training to the applicant in theoretical knowledge instruction and FSTD instruction to instruct those aspects of MCC required by an applicant for a type rating on a first MP aeroplane.
An applicant for an MCCI certificate shall:
- hold or have held a CPL, MPL or ATPL in the appropriate aircraft category.
- have at least 1,500 hours of flying experience as a pilot in multi-pilot operations
The training course for the MCCI shall include, at least:
- 25 hours of teaching and learning instruction.
- technical training related to the type of FSTD where the applicant wishes to instruct.
- 3 hours of practical instruction, which may be flight instruction or MCC instruction on the relevant
FNPT II/III MCC, FTD 2/3 or FFS, under the supervision of a TRI, SFI or MCCI.