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Commercial Pilot Licence / CPL (A)

Started on July 27, 2024

Commercial Pilot Licence / CPL (A)

Duration: 6 weeks approximately


The aim of the CPL(A) modular course is to train PPL(A) holders to the level of proficiency necessary for the issue of a CPL(A).

The course, as laid out below, satisfies the minimum requirements with respect to instrument flying training and complex aircraft flight time requirements towards licence issue as approved by EASA.


  • Be the holder of a PPL(A) issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 1
  • Be the holder of a Class 1 medical
  • Have at least 150 hours flight time
  • Night Rating
  • Shall be at least 18 years of age prior to application for the CPL licence


The course, lasting approximately 6 weeks, is designed to take a PPL(A) through successful completion of CPL(A).


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